Friday, October 2, 2015

Freaky Frantic Friday

I have 8 classes crazy end of the 6 weeks.  Haven't been able to keep up with the blog....bad bad teacher. 

Today is our GRIT Friday and we are reading our own book in the time we have.  We also have a log to enter 6 types of responses...

1.  connect - to your life and experiences / thoughts and ideas
2.  visualize - maybe a quote showing imagery or a thought about how you think it would look
3.  predict - make a prediction...been doing these since elementary school...what's going to happen
4.  question - these should be good questions...
5.  clarify - make sure you add in the clarification too....
6.  evaluate - agree or disagree with a statement made by author or character? explain what it is and why

I'm reading a new book for our new 6 weeks: 

I love this movie and I this has stories about how it came into being...and how it all fit together.  And today I am off on a new adventure into the land of Gildor and the Cliffs of Insanity.  

So....hope your journey is equally as interesting and exciting. 

And your new GRIT Log is due at the end of the 6 weeks grading period!

"As you wish" is the only appropriate response. 

Welcome to the 2nd 6 weeks.