Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuesday 9/1/15

Today is letter writing day!!!

We first did a warm up with our IQ see what you know about or think about your IQ.  

We also responded in our journal to an MLK quote: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."  

Then we took a few notes on formatting our letter and brainstormed some ideas...and some dissenting opinions to our topics. This we got to collaborate on.....but then we had to create our letter to the editor....on our own 1-2 pages.

It is also was time for the library. So we started our library trips. GRIT is Friday so it is time to get a book. 

Friday 8/28/15 and Monday 8/31/15


First early dismissal!!  And 1st pep rally! What a weird week. 

We took notes today.....had to get moving. This was a short class day. So we started our Trope Notes & Beyond in the back of our journal. Wrote the definitions for 9 literary terms and devices:

Ad populum 
Loaded language
Motif / leitmotif 

Then we went through our eulogy and found these devices and annotated our text. Prepping for our letter to the editor!!

Happy weekend!!

Wednesday 8/26/15 & Thursday 8/27/15

Play time with Play- Doh. 

We got to know out teammates a little in the first 1-2 days, now we get to learn a bit more about our neighbors. What are they like....what represents them?  And have fun in the process!!

We also got started with our journals and got to know something about the people near us. 

We did talk a little bit about the maps and our upcoming research paper, and watched our eulogy and followed along on the hard copy. We also talked about some awesome word choices made in this eulogy.